Appeared in Victor, dated June 16th 1979. Another one by CD Bagnall who seems to have cornered the market of unusual characters. So, the story involves this geezer, who, with his pet emu; travels the outback, picking fights with complete strangers. As you do...
It's funny, because, as a kid I never
really read this stuff. I kinda looked at it and got the gist. But, never really
got it. Going over this stuff today I'm beginning to get a new respect for DC Thomson. The creators of these strips must have been at least a little insane or at least have experimented with some kind of mind-altering substances... It's all very Goonish. I love this stuff, it's daft, stupid, nuts and unique.
I must say that I'm a little disturbed by the sight of Finnegan heading off with his arm around Emmy. Guess a guy can get lonely on cold nights. All alone. In the outback. Totally understandable really... 'Emmy, you're a bonzer lookin' sheila!'